i dream i dare i do

A documentary follows three young artists and their mentoring relationships…


In 2010 Julie McNamara sat off on a journey to record the extraordinary achievements of three embattled individuals with a dream. This documentary is about how those dreams were made real, you can see a clip of the film here:


Each person at the heart of these stories shares a passion for the Arts and a dream that drives them to take on wonderfully creative challenges. Each one of them also happens to live with learning disabilities.

Here are three uniquely imaginative talented artists. The only thing in the way of them finding meaningful employment and getting on with their lives is our attitude. Julie McNamara was their ‘Mentor’ for a while and for ever after, their lives have been are intertwined.

Rachel, Alan and Jen offer us insights into the importance of mentoring relationships. It’s a candid view of mentoring vulnerable people in professional development in the Arts. What shines through is the brilliance of these souls searching for an opportunity to belong, in an exploration of mentoring relationships that is riddled with frustrations, held together with patience, stubbornness, creativity and most of all respect.

With a superb cast of arts professionals spanning international waters, we get to hear from the movers and shakers who have contributed to making three people’s dreams come true. In an atmosphere of continuing prejudice and discrimination in the midst of a global economic recession, dreams still can and do come true.

please click on this link to read more (you will go to vital xposure’s website)



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