What makes us who we are (and what does that mean in our immediate environment; work, culture, relationship, country, family, region)? This is the question I would like to talk about with a variety of people.
Our identity is constantly shifting, depending on our surroundings or the company we are in. We are defined ‘in the eye of the beholder’. I wanted to explore this line of thinking further – does ‘who we are’ tend to be in cohesion with our environment/culture/surroundings, or is it pushing boundaries?
I used questions as a way to break away from assumptions and to have new conversations. In this case, the aim was to understand how we see/define/understand our own identity. Our answers also provided a reflection of the references and vocabulary of the company I was in. I wanted to speak to and pose this question to many different people, and I am e.g. particularly interested in speaking to disabled people, displaced people (such as migrants or refugees), vulnerable people, campaigners and activists.
I started the first stage and research for this project during a residency in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in September/October 2017.

lead artist
caglar is a london-based digital and video artist as well as curator and arts consultant. his projects have ranged from experimental art films to large scale installations, screenings/projections and photography. his work is often informed by a concern with the pressure to conform to ‘norms’, which continue to prevail even in apparently liberal and tolerant societies.
research, collaboration and improvisation form the core of caglar’s practice, with the aim of being able to understand a subject matter within its context and creating an artistic response without losing authenticity. he is always interested in exploring the use of (relevant) technology as a creative and access tool. he is committed to exploring and adapting art forms to create an inclusive experience for a varied audience.
more information at caglark website